
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Well this week started out with animating the opening scene from The Big Fish In The Little Pond. It was originally supposed to be an apple falling out of a tree, but when it came to actually animating it; I realized that animating an apple falling out of a tree in LEGO scale is incredibly hard. I ended up just having the apple already on the ground and the man walking in to find it.

About the other film, it turns out I already finished a second script for it. I still want to plan a little more before I start that one, but it is a lot further along than I though previously. 

Anyway I just wanted say that something is actually being done on these films. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

2 New Brickfilms in Pre-Production

I don't want to get ahead of myself by posting this, but I probably am. Over the last month or so I have been writing a brickfilm about dreams. The story has been worked out on that one, but the script is incomplete as of now. I hope to continue work on that soon, which should go over pretty quick (then I can go onto production).

The next project I'm working on is a film that is uncertainly entitled: The Big Fish In The Little Pond. I can't reveal much about the story. As of right now I'm revising the story, and working with others to hopefully refine the screenplay a bit. All is going pretty well so far, and I think the physicality of the film is pretty obtainable (meaning I think I can actually build the sets for the film).

Once I get the story finalized and the script polished I hope to move onto production. The estimated (literally off the top of my head right this second) length of the film is between 4 or 6 minutes. I'm going to use my summer for this and the other film, so hopefully I'll be able to finish them.

These are my first major projects since the terrible failure that was Lost In Ice. (Lost In Ice was never made) Anyways, I hope that I can get over myself and actually make my first brickfilms.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Walk Cycle

Made a test yesterday, for a new walk cycle. I like how it came out. I made a phase image.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Video Games

A year ago I started working on a film called "Video Games" (creative title right?). It was random and I didn't know what I was doing with it, so I ended up quitting. [Yes I'm a quitter]

Obscure Reference 

Anyways, that film was ended. I even made a video of what I had made and put it up on YouTube.

But I always liked the idea, I just got lost in a scramble to create. Now that I know more about film and how to properly organize one, I've started working on Video Games once more! I've already started animating and I've got a lot done. 

A frame from an animated scene

I have a script so I know where it's going. I want to finish this brickfilm before I start animating Lost In Ice.

I will be updating the progress of this film as I make it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My BRAWL results

Well, guess I still haven't explained the BRAWL situation. Bottom line: I wasn't able to finish in time. The deciding factor that I wouldn't make the deadline was the fact that I forgot the mod in a few shots. When I animate, I get very stressed; resulting in forgetting the most important thing in a shot. Even though all these things happened I still  plan on finishing it. I have all the lines and stuff I need, so now it just depends on my time and morale. Concerning time, I'm not going to have very much of it once school starts (soon). But anyway, sorry I wasn't able to finish but the people who did; can be seen here.

And congratulations to Squid for winning!


Monday, July 29, 2013

BRAWL Update

BRAWL is happening! It's moving along smoothly and I feel good about finishing. There is a problem however, I have animated a 4 second scene… and that's it. Tomorrow is when I really need to start animating, assuming I can get enough voice actors. That's my main problem right now. I have four characters that need voicing. The next issue is the animation. Then there's sound design. I also finished the script earlier today, and I actually PRINTED it out! This is the first time I've ever had a printed version of one of my scripts. Anyway here are some photos:

Some different hairstyles for this guy. I have already chosen one though.


Sunday, July 28, 2013


I've been busy working on my BRAWL entry. So far, I'm 87% finished with the screenplay. The main character has been picked (built). Two other characters have also been built. I haven't animated anything yet, but I have built four sets. So I have a time disadvantage, but I'm making good headway.

Here are some pictures:

(neither are frames)

And finally a Behind the Scenes.
